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What should I do? is a question most of us fret over from time to time. Many individuals come to a crossroad in their life, and they are not sure which direction to take. Confronting your fears and taking a step of faith can be difficult.

Today are you feeling uncertain or afraid to step out on faith? Allow me to suggest that consulting with God and letting your spirit point you in the right direction will be the best decision you make.

God said, “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.” These are comforting words from the Lord when we are unsure about what to do in any situation. After seeking God’s help, our spirit will be calmed and we will have less anxiety moving forward on any decision.

It is one thing to ask the Lord what you should do when you are on an unfamiliar path. However, it is entirely another thing to ask am I willing to do it, once it is clear. Perhaps you should answer these two questions before proceeding down an unknown path.

  1. What makes the decision so difficult for me? Be honest with yourself. For most of us risk and change are uncomfortable. This is why the Bible teaches that we should “trust in the Lord with all our heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
  2. Assuming that it is the Lord’s will, are you willing to make a major change in your life?

You must answer these two questions. And not until they are answered correctly are you ready to move ahead. Making correct decisions in life is never easy. There are times that we wished we had not made a decision because it made our situation worse than before. So, it is vital that you make the right decision. Remember that you might have to live with your choice a lifetime. So, Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Chaplain Ghosten