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Most Americans and most people around the globe are living with great uncertainty due to the spread of the coronavirus.  With so many unknowns about the transmission of the virus, its severity and our risk of exposure, it is normal to feel threatened. The disease is causing havoc in all areas of our life. Schools have closed, events have been cancelled, businesses still open are reducing hours or moving to online service only and everyone is being asked to stay home to slow the spread of the virus from person to person.

Health professionals have issued guidance on how we distance ourselves physically to help stop the spread of disease and reduce illness and even death. These include washing your hands well with hot water and soap frequently and regular sanitization of high touch areas, such as doorknobs, light switches, and cell phones.  We are cautioned not to shake hands with each other and to use social distancing as a precautionary measure while interacting with each other. All these new ways of life beg the question “are you feeling threatened?”

We are all facing an unprecedented, intimidating situation and it is challenging. As scientists, medical professionals and officials work together to provide the best prevention and treatment strategies and a vaccine for the disease, we must keep the faith and comply with their recommendations. The Bible speaks to us about difficult times and what we can do to relieve our fears and find comfort:

  • First, we need to depend upon a strength that is more powerful than our own. This strength will bring about peace and calmness in our lives. This strength is God.
  • Second, the Bible suggests that we have a talk with the Lord who understands our needs and desires. Praying can bring reassurance in situations such as what we now face with the coronavirus.
  • Third, it is unrealistic for us think that all our questions will be answered, and all our fears will disappear. However, faith and fear will always be at work in your life. To be an overcomer, you must learn to starve your fear and feed your faith on God’s words.
  • Last, we can’t just sit in the seat of “do-nothing” and expect God to move. We must do whatever it takes to help ourselves and our neighbors. In times like these, we must depend on each other for guidance and encouragement which will bring strength in the worst of times.

There is a word that I have become more familiar with lately and it is deontology. It means moral obligation. We have moral responsibility to assist each other when there is need, to pray for one another and to do for all humanity within our capability. This is our moral obligation or duty as a citizen of humanity. So, Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Chaplain Ghosten