True stewardship isn’t about putting your focus on getting more or having less. The goal is to focus on God with gratitude and joy in the privilege of knowing him. As Easter approaches, children everywhere await with anticipation the Easter bunny’s visit and the holiday traditions, such as egg hunts, which we all enjoy. However, Easter presents a good opportunity for all of us to practice our stewardship by assisting with cleaning up at parks and other venues after the egg hunts.
Easter is an important religious festival celebrating the resurrection of the Lord. The Bible tells us that the Lord died on a cross on a day called Good Friday and he was resurrected and came back to life on Easter Sunday. While Easter egg hunts are a fun tradition, the holiday holds a deeper meaning and one centered around stewardship.
Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. Stewardship can be the action of cleaning up litter at parks or assisting with planting or restoring protective trees. Stewardship can have different meanings for different people. So, take time to consider what it means to you.
Stewardship is about taking care of what’s been entrusted to us. When applied to our collective work to advance healthy, equitable, sustainable communities, it describes leaders who take responsibility for forming working relationships to drive transformative change for the benefit of humanity. Stewards given important responsibilities must have a vested interest in promoting an equity orientation regarding purpose, power and wealth.
So, as we celebrate this Easter with our little ones, at our churches, or at any of the gatherings that we might attend, let’s remember to display our stewardship through activities assisting others or in the community. The care of people is the ultimate reason for Easter. Let’s celebrate this Easter with our remembrance of what the Lord did for all humanity through his stewardship of the resurrection Sunday. Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Dr. Walter Ghosten