Let us be reminded that we are living in unprecedented times. We have shifted toward a state of constant connectivity that is transforming how we interact and communicate with family, friends, and people in general. People are having conversations and sharing their opinions on products and services with people they’ve never met. It is a new day. Most of our shopping is done on the internet via computer or smart phone. These same platforms are allowing businesses to operate with employees working from home.
We are a people that seek to learn and discover new things. We want to make confident decisions and wise purchases, and we also want to connect and engage with loved ones. With our constantly connected world, we have multiple screens at our service 24/7 – smartphones, tablets, desktops and new devices and programs like Zoom where we view each other and talk.
In this era of the pandemic, we rely heavily upon these platforms to connect with each other and to work from home remotely. We rely on them instinctively, hungry for instant, relevant information from family and friends. Connectivity is a way of life.
God has allowed us ways to connect with each other in this pandemic. Churches are holding services on Sunday virtually via Zoom or other platforms. Throughout the history of humanity, God has always been ahead of mankind. He knows what our needs will be in the future and has always led his people from one event through another.
Allow me to caution you that being able to connect with anyone anytime doesn’t necessarily provide the love and care we all need and value in our relationships with others. God wants you to know what matters and what you truly value is the key to living a life of meaning and purpose. For most of us the problem is not having values, the problem is living them out. We all value honesty, integrity, and forgiveness, but when we are pressed, do we really live them out while connecting remotely? Remember, God is the real answer to our ability to connect. Are you connected with him? So Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Chaplain Ghosten