There are things in life that we should always give our earnest attention. They are things that should take priority over most everything else. Our health is one, and you should give it your utmost attention. If you neglect your health, it can cause serious medical problems in the long run. Those who have children should always give earnest attention to their well-being. Next to teaching your children how to walk with God, you will never teach them a more important life lesson than how to handle their money wisely.
We should begin teaching children early in life about the principles of industry, honesty and responsibility. Here is a method I recommend. When your children are young, give them some jobs around the house without pay, such as making up their beds, picking up their toys, or cleaning their rooms. They will learn a valuable lesson that will stay with them throughout life.
Managing finances is an attribute that is important to the well-being of self and family. Here is a tip. Develop a financial plan and stick to the plan. It is nearly impossible to run a household without a financial plan. To help with the development of the plan seek a qualified financial advisor. Health, children and family, and finance deserve our earnest attention.
However, our highest priority should always be our relationship with God and fulfilling his will for our life. If you give your earnest attention to God, he has promised that everything else will fall in place; your needs will be met because of his promises.
A word of caution, sorry will follow us if we put money ahead of service to God. Putting money first and family second makes us nothing more than a wealthy failure. So, if you have been sacrificing your family for your career, start making changes! Don’t look back, rich but regretting, having lived for the wrong things that life can never satisfy but only an earnest attention to God can satisfy. Remember there is nothing wrong with obtaining wealth. Those who work hard deserve what God allows them to possess.
Finally, remember to always give your earnest attention to God, the giver of all our gifts and teach your children the value in the ways of God. Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!