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Evergreen Villas lived up to its name hosting a St. Patrick’s Day party where everyone–and almost everything–was “wearing of the green.” The community room was decorated in green and gold, lucky Shamrocks and other fun decor. Residents enjoyed an Irish themed potluck meal and listened to Celtic music and socializing.


JR presents the “right” and “not right” apartment maintenance items for new residents

Trevecca Towers is now hosting a “New Resident Orientation Meeting” the third Wednesday of the month. While every resident receives detailed information about the community’s resources, activities, maintenance needs, etc., from the Team Leader during move-in, there’s so much information that staff thought an orientation might be a helpful review.

All the residents that moved in the month prior are invited to attend the meeting which is led by Trevecca Community Manager Karen Kiefer, Resident Service Coordinator Kim Phillips, Activities Director Hilary Frame, and Sr. Maintenance Supervisor JR Pitmon. They had their first orientation this month. How did it go? Great, they had a huge turnout and even got an applause when it was over.


Legal Aid of East Tennessee Resident Attorney Jackson Cain presented an estate planning program at no charge for residents of Evergreen Villas in Powell. Estate planning is beneficial at any age, but especially for seniors, as is evident by the interest shown here by the residents taking notes during the program.


Aleah’s Elite Squad along with Chaplain Walter Ghosten. From left to right, front row: Aleah Shrigley, Penny Ledbetter, Tamakieta Monroe, Darian Deal, Theresa Little & Tamara Billings. Back row: Reggie Brown, Justin Lawson, Dr. Ghosten, Terri Wilson and Chalonda Dobson.

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