If you are at a crossroad in life today, you have two options: (1) Turn right or left. (2) Go forward or back. There is no doubt which way God wants you to go. So, get on track and go forward with your life. Life is too short to do otherwise. Life is too important not to have a vision of what the future holds for you. As leaders, it requires looking outward and forward.
Every day make five positive statements about the possibilities in your life. These statements can be repeated each day, or they can be new positive statements. To build healthy relationships, some people advise making five positive statements for every criticism received. Whether this exact number is necessary, the principle seems sound. If someone gives us constant negative feedback, the practice wears thin and we close ourselves off.
Today, make a commitment to expand your horizon in life. It will require that you have the right tool to help you examine options and potential consequences. Remember, too, it is important to expand your toolkit so that you can accept or challenge many different ideas and behaviors. Elicit new ideals from your trusted friends and peers. Anything that gets you stepping a little more forward to get you on track viewing something more prosperous can be helpful.
Committing to keeping your life going forward may require you to re-assess the things that are holding you back. This can be your beginning. Getting on track with your life begins as a questioning process that can reveal flaws in your day-to-day planning. It will unearth ways of proofing life against failures you have experienced in the past. Failure is not an option. You can defeat an unhealthy relationship; you can defeat mental illness; you can defeat addiction; you can defeat cancer.
Moving forward enhances your potential and it leads to better alternatives. There is a biblical scripture that reads, “The path of the just is like the shining sun, which shines ever brighter unto the perfect day and meditate on these things to give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.” So, make today a new beginning by getting on track with your life and you will experience the joy and happiness that God wants you to experience. Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Chaplain Ghosten