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We must keep in mind that God often works in unexpected ways and his solutions to our problems may defy our personal logic. Maybe that is why we are hesitant to approach God about certain matters in our lives. For example, God instructed Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, to prepare his vastly outnumbered army, which was clearly no match for three great armies, to show up prepared for a battle they did not intend to fight. That didn’t make any sense to them.

But there are many times when God will instruct us to position ourselves for things he will do for us—things we are unable to do for ourselves due to fear of failure or other reasons. In our own lives, just as God instructed King Jehoshaphat’s people to stand firm with faith, he will have us to hold our position through seemingly impossible situations so we can witness the salvation of the Lord.

The challenge of positioning ourselves for God’s will and grace is often a lack of faith. For example, making the decision to go to college is a big step. We may feel ill-prepared or that we’ve passed the age of learning. College is expensive and we may not feel like we can afford it. Remember when you have faith in what God can do for you with your limited resources, you can overcome your limitations because God can make a way out of no way.

When we listen for God’s will, we are positioned to receive his guidance. Let me ask you a question. Do you stress out attempting to figure out a solution to a problem instead of finding out how God wants you to deal with it? There would be less stress in our lives if we opened ourselves to the will of the Lord. Think about the last problem you faced. Did you rely on the opinions of others or on your own ideas, or was your first idea to seek God?

This is what God promises to all of us if we position ourselves to receive him: “You will seek me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.” This is great news. So, stand still and position yourself to talk to God about your situation.

When we think that what God is instructing us to do doesn’t make any sense, this could be a sign that he is asking us to trust him and to position ourselves to deal with a difficult task knowing he will be by our side all the way. Our challenge is to have faith and obey him. Things have a way of working out for the best if you trust in God. So, Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Dr. Walter Ghosten