Scruffy, our website’s namesake, in 2016. Scruffy was a beloved member of Cristy Lockwood’s family.
The Scruff is bringing back the popular post, “Pup Close and Purrsonal,” where you get to share photos of your pets and tell us what you love most about them. Pets hold a special place in the hearts and homes of many LHP employees, plus everyone loves a good pet story.
Pets bring joy and love to our lives and even improve our health. Studies show that pets can increase fitness, lower stress and bring happiness to their owners. Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels. Pets can increase opportunities to socialize and they help manage loneliness and depression by giving us companionship.

Pug Georgie belongs to Assistant Controller Brian Howard whose furry family includes another dog and two cats. Brian and his family love their pets but say that mornings can be a bit chaotic when everyone’s wanting breakfast at the same time.
The Scruff wants to know: What does your non-human loved one mean to you? What does the pet reveal about your personality? What is the most memorable, funniest or dreadful thing your pet has ever done?
Proud pet parents, please send an e-mail to thescruff@lhp.net and we’ll send you a short questionnaire to complete. Pup Close and Purrsonal posts will feature one family’s pets at a time so there’s plenty of space for photos. This is a cat-tacular opportunity to show off your pets and just doggone fun. Contact thescruff@lhp.net today.