All of us have a great responsibility to each other. To help when help is needed. To assist whenever assistance is needed. To instruct whenever instruction is necessary. A popular quote says, “strong people stand up for themselves, but stronger people stand up for others.” Standing up for human rights is never an easy fight. There is always a pushback. There are always challenges.
The not-for-profit organization, “Stand Up For Humanity,” is a movement promoting and supporting a world that works for all. It is about embracing those equalities that serve the highest and best of our humanity. Their mission statement reads: “we are here to help each other connect and act from our universal and common good; and to raise the consciousness and vibrations on the planet, and within our nation, to one of inclusion, peace, and harmony.”
Here is the most important statement that Stand Up For Humanity makes concerning its mission: “to demonstrate that even one small act taken by an individual can make a difference and contribute to the positive uplifting of humanity. Through our acts of compassion, we set in motion caring about the human needs at the highest level that God requires by humanity.”
It often takes courage to step out of one’s comfort zone to support and contribute to the needs of another. Additionally, a person must value empathy of another to possess the desire to assist with the need of the individual. According to Ira Chaleff, author and motivational speaker, “if individuals cannot experience their own feelings, they cannot identify with another’s.”
There is a specific case in the bible about individuals who demonstrated a lack of care or concern about others when they knowingly were aware of each person’s needs. God said, “each of you should use whatever talent you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of his grace in its various forms.” When God gives you a gift, he gives you the grace and grit to use it. So, we must step out in faith and commit our actions to the Lord, and our plans of demonstrating compassion will succeed.
If there were ever a time during this pandemic for us to be empathic to the needs of others, now is the time to reach out with acts of kindness. So, Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Chaplain Ghosten