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Today’s Pup Close and Purrsonal comes to us from Teri Wilson, Senior Manager at Imperial Garden and Colony Square.  Zelda is an 8-year-old Miniature Pincher and a rescue. Teri’s family adopted Zelda three years ago from an animal shelter shortly after the Min Pin was seized from an abusive situation.

“We were so patient in getting a dog and waited five years after our pug passed,” Teri says. “Fate brought us together and at the perfect time.”

Now Zelda is an attentive and loyal guardian to every member of the family, which includes Teri’s two daughters, two sons and 3-month-old grandson. Each has a special bond with Zelda, and they feel her appreciation for being rescued.

Whether she’s riding in the car running an errand with Teri, snuggling on the sofa with the kids, waking up Teri’s youngest daughter for school or jumping and tail-wagging for joy when the family comes home,  Zelda is a very happy and content pet. Her new favorite place to be is with Teri’s grandson keeping watch over him.

“Zelda is so protective and loving of everyone and she is happy to finally have a home where she can just be a pet,” Teri says, adding “and we are so happy she came into our lives.”

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