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This Up Close & Personal feature is on Carmen Solomon. Carmen is one of LHP’s long-time Tech Support Specialists.


Carmen with Quilt

1. Name 3 people, dead or alive, that you would like to have dinner with & why.

  • My Dad (deceased 1988) – next to my husband, he was the kindest man I’ve ever known.
  • My Mom – I only get to see her about 3 times a year…not nearly enough.
  • My husband’s grandmother (1900-2002) – She was a simple woman with tons of knowledge about South Knoxville; she watched the Gay Street bridge being built.

2. What’s on your DVR right now?

  • House Hunters
  • The Little Couple
  • Extreme Makeover Weight Loss

3. What book(s) do you have by your bedside?

  • Quilt magazines

4. What are 3 things we don’t know about you?

  • My first job was at age 9, delivering newspapers with my older brother. I saved enough money to buy my first car with cash.
  • Until I came to Tennessee for the World’s Fair (where I met my husband of 32 years), I had never been away from home.
  • I have my own motorcycle.

Looking forward, 


Lindsay B