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Unleash your creative self! The Scruff is changing up Friday Fetch adding a fun new feature in June: Scruffy’s Best of Show, a monthly photo contest for all LHP employees.

The photos in the contest will come from those you and your peers already submit for publication on The Scruff. Of course, we hope the contest inspires even more of you to submit photos of the people and activities at your property or office. The Scruff editor will select three to four of the most captivating photos from your submissions. On the first Friday of the month, the finalist photos will be posted online for employees to vote on their favorite. The voting will stay open until the following Monday at 5 p.m., giving everyone a chance to weigh in on their top pic. The photographer behind the winning photo wins a $10 gift card.

Scruffy’s Best of Show kicks off in June so all photos submitted in May are potential winners. Grab your camera or phone and start snapping. Send your photos to, same as before. We hope the photo contest encourages some friendly competition and brings out the best photos showcasing life and work at LHP communities.