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Westview Tower residents reap what they sow and love it! Community manager Margaret McLaughlin says the residents are having a blast planting healthy fruits, vegetables, and herbs. With assistance from the Knoxville CAC, the property acquired several raised garden beds which are perfect for the community which serves older adults and individuals with disabilities.

The gardens already have produced impressive strawberries and tomatoes and there’s more bounty to sprout. The residents are growing a wide variety of produce–everything from sugar snap peas, spinach and squash to cucumber and cantaloupe–for a healthy harvest all summer long.

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At Trevecca Towers, residents are enjoying a regular smorgasbord of activities that have included a craft fair, arts and craft classes, music night, and safety program. Music night is like an “open mic” event in which residents and their friends and family members gather to entertain and perform for one another. With an emcee to introduce each person and a sound system, the amateur performers enjoy a class act.

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