Beersheba’s famous grillers Donnie Moffler, Maintenance Supervisor, and David Judkins, Maintenance Tech, with Stewart Hale, Community Manager
Great cookout food, casual summery mood and friends gathered together–doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to spend the day?
Everyone loves a backyard cookout but it is no small undertaking when your guest list tops 100+ people. For our multifamily properties, it’s “all hands on deck” and every staff member has to pitch in to help cook, prepare and serve the meals. Then, there’s the clean up. It is a lot of work but something our residents appreciate.
Beersheba Heights Tower in McMinnville, TN has a large covered pavilion with picnic tables, the perfect spot for a large cookout held recently.
Westview Tower in West Knoxville hosted a cookout for residents and invited LHP maintenance staff from the area to attend. The special treat was to thank them for pitching in and helping a sister property (Clear Springs) with a major maintenance project.