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An important question to ask ourselves is: Who can we count on during a crisis or situation where we feel hopeless? Do you have a faithful friend who will stand by your side and give you encouragement when you are going through the trials of life?

We know that God is always faithful, and we can count on him in times of crisis. However, we also need each other. Humanity thrives on connection and having a trusted friend who we can turn to for comfort and assurance is vital for our wellbeing. While we need to look out for our own interests, having someone who cares about us and has our best interests at heart can make a world of difference in our lives. Count your blessings if you have that special person in your life.

The Apostle Paul said that Timothy was a reliable friend because he had proven himself. Timothy had served alongside his father in the work of the gospel. So, what was this work that Paul was referring to? I believe it was the work of caring for our fellow humans, as the answer to the question “Am I my brother’s keeper?” suggests.

Consider this. When something goes wrong, do you have at least one friend you can easily talk to about it? Who in your life could accurately name your greatest fears and temptations? Think about this. Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Also, a person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to back and conquer.

Count your blessing when you have a loyal friend who is there for you and who does not judge you when your life seems upside down. A true friend will not accuse you of making wrong choices or blame you for your troubles. When friends stick together to assist each other in times of troubles, God remembers his promises to direct and guide them for a great outcome.

So, if you do not have a friend who can be trusted and is reliable, then go to God in prayer and he will direct you. For those who have true friends who you can count on in times of distress for encouragement and sound advice, consider yourself blessed. And Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Dr. Walter Ghosten