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There are proven and effective strategies for dealing with daily stress. Some medical experts recommend that individuals designate twenty minutes twice a day to renew, regroup, and restore. Many are surprised at what an effective strategy this is for releasing your stress. You may think you handle stress well, but do you really take the time out of your busy schedule each day to relax and regroup?

Distance yourself from the stress source in your life, even if that simply means stepping outside for a few minutes and going for a walk to refresh your brain. If you do this, you will be amazingly surprised at how refreshed you will feel. One of my go-to stress relieving activities is to sing my favorite song titled ‘The Lord Will Make a Way Somehow’ by Thomas A. Dorsey while walking or engaging in other tasks. Stress often arises because we don’t allow enough time for regrouping and refreshing our brain.

The younger generation says ‘chill’ to mean relax. Well, I believe that taking a moment to chill when faced with stress can help restore your ability to function. Then you can approach the situation from a more positive perspective knowing that things are not as bleak as they might appear.

When the Prophet Isaiah was having his worst moment in life, God reassured him with these words of encouragement: “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” God’s words offered Isaiah hope, replacing his stress and fear with the promise of a positive future.

When other events threaten to discourage you, do something that makes you feel good. Stop thinking about stuff that stresses you out and start moving. Get that invigorating blood flowing throughout your body while your mind takes a minibreak. Do something if it is nothing but getting up from your desk and walking to the water cooler or stepping outside for a breath of fresh air. It is a medical fact that physical activity triggers our brain to secrete increased levels of beta-endorphins which reduce stress and anxiety.

The Bible says, “You will go out with joy and be led out in peace” when you take care of yourself. Your life is much too valuable for you to be stressed out about circumstances and problems that are here today and gone tomorrow. So, seek the things that bring joy and peace into your life. Be blessed and Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Dr. Walter Ghosten