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Do you find yourself consumed by jealousy? Are you depressed because of jealousy? Then ask God to remove this cancer from you. Measure your feelings about others by asking yourself these questions. Is it hard for you to compliment others on their achievements?

When someone’s name comes up in conversation, do you feel good because something bad has happened to them? When you hear something complimentary about another person, do you feel the need to say, yes but…and proceed to point out their negative faults? Do you keep comparing yourself to other people? Are you preoccupied with what they are doing in their life?

Know that a peaceful heart leads to a healthy body. Jealousy is like cancer in the bones according to the Bible. So, if you want to be mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically healthy, don’t give in to jealousy or it will consume your spirit.

The best solution to rid your jealousy is to pray for its removal. Praying for the person who is the target of your jealousy will give you peace of mind and will establish a right relationship with God. After all, the Bible teaches that we should love each other. In fact, it teaches that there is no greater love than one who would “lay down his life” for a friend.

Finally, the Bible teaches that faith, hope, and love are healthy attributes that we should possess. However, the greatest of these attributes is love. So, don’t give room for jealousy in your life. Put it aside and enjoy the peace you will discover.

Start celebrating other people’s successes with them and make a point of complimenting them. Remember, nobody else is as good at being you as you. So, you have no competition. When you are secure in who you are before God, you don’t have to be jealous of anybody. And Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Chaplain Ghosten