In life, we will encounter many changes, some of which will be unavoidable. Life-altering events will occur that we cannot control or prevent. These are things that cannot be averted or dodged. However, when you can avoid something, you may find a path around it.
The biblical book of Ecclesiastes proclaims, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” It goes on to list several things that there is a time for, such as “a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away.”
So, if change is inevitable in our lives, what happens when we try to implement change at the wrong time? For that matter, when is the right time to implement a change? This is a challenging question that demands our utmost attention because changes can have lifelong consequences.
How will this change benefit me? Is it compatible with my goals and my life’s purpose? Is it possible to test my change before committing fully to it? These are questions we must ask ourselves before making changes. Ill-advised changes can cost you a lifetime of agony. Therefore, before implementing changes, carefully consider the possible outcomes. It is always wise to seek advice from trusted advisors before making a momentous change.
So, if you are thinking about making a change, I recommend talking to God. He has created everything beautiful in its time and season. Ask him, “What should I do? And when should I do it?” Then step out on faith and trust him to guide you to the right decision.
If change seems like the next obvious step after your thoughtful prayer, be confident that it will work out for the good. Make sure that everything you have considered indicates that the timing is right. Before implementing a significant change, review your checklist of options. Consider each one with a yes or no.
Finally, what matters most is the desired outcome of any change we make in our lives. Be open to allowing God’s spirit to lead you and help you learn to embrace change. May you be blessed and Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!