Moral leadership is critical, especially in today’s world. There seems to be a lack of moral leadership across the globe; however, many workers depend on moral leadership to help resolve problems from an ethical perspective. Professor Peter Northouse said, “Leadership is a topic with universal appeal and both leaders and followers are a part of the leadership process. It is important to address issues that confront followers as well as issues that confront leaders.” The issues that Northouse posit relating to moral leadership are related to the power of leader.
The central issue of power in leadership is not will it be used but rather will it be used wisely and well. According to political scientist James MacGregor Burns, leadership is not just about direct results; it is also about offering followers a choice among real alternatives. Power by the leader need not be dictatorial or punitive to be effective. Power can also be used in a noncoercive manner to orchestrate, direct, and guide members of an organization in the pursuit of a goal or series of objectives.
To this end, leaders must engage followers, not merely direct them. Leaders must serve as models and mentors. The Bible speaks to us about leadership in the book of Luke. Luke writes that a dispute between the disciples concerning leadership was squelched by the Lord. The Lord gave this example in explaining the position of a leader; “The King of the Gentiles exercise leadership over them, and those in authority……but let the greatest among you become as the youngest, and leaders as one who serve.”
Real leadership is not about power but rather it is about servantship. It is about helping those who follow them to become truly team members in pursuit of a common goal. Leaders must engage team members, not merely direct them. Leaders must serve as models and mentors. Leaders must try to make their team members aware that they are all stakeholders in a conjoint activity that cannot succeed without their involvement and commitment.
Successful leadership believes in and communicates some version that the achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of everyone. The compelling need for leadership centers around leadership morality. All forms of leadership must make use of its abilities to inspire others toward a common goal that is used wisely and well. So, leaders and followers must Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!