EThe act of encouraging should be paramount in how we care for family and friends. The Greek word for encouragement is “parakaleo.” Throughout the Old Testament, parakaleo is used to convey the act of encouragement and encompasses providing support, instilling confidence and fostering hope in others.
As we approach the Christmas holiday, let’s remember to encourage those that are in need. One of my favorite quotes is by Henry Ford who said, “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” During the holiday season, people of all ages and backgrounds will be facing emotional and other challenges. We need to offer encouragement and remind them of their inherent strengths to persevere.
Of course, encouraging others should not be a seasonal goal, it should be an ongoing practice of lifting up others whenever they need spiritual support. When eagles teach their babies to fly, they often nudge them out of the nest. Most eaglets won’t get out of the nest without this gentle push. When someone is frightened or anxious, a word of encouragement may be the nudge they need to get through an uncertain time.
Encouragement is necessary for humanity to function as God intended. For example, receiving encouragement from a friend stands out as a priceless gift, as it stems from a bond of trust and unwavering support that surpasses all others. True joy and happiness in life comes from those who care about your welfare and not from material things that you might receive from them.
So, during this special time of the year, remember to offer a little encouragement to anyone who appears to need some support. Like the words in a popular Taylor Swift song, tell them to “Shake it Off!” Two things will happen. First, you will feel gratified having given the encouragement. Second, the receiver will appreciate the support and encouragement to forget the past and move forward with optimism and determination. Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

By Dr. Walter Ghosten