In today’s environment, so much misinformation floods our information network that we question who we should believe for the right information. Bottom line: You must know which sources to listen to because if you only consider your immediate circumstances, you may become disoriented and confused about what is right and what is wrong.
Last week, my wife read an advertisement that said that you could feed a family of ten for $20 if you bought their Thanksgiving dinner. The listed items included a 12-pound turkey, sweet potato pie, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and several other items. However, this week she read another advertisement offering the same Thanksgiving meal for a family of ten but for $43.
The point is this: It is vitally important to seek reliable information sources. Often times, it is a matter of using your own experiences, intellect, and good judgement to determine what is right.
For example, an unexpected phone call, a floundering relationship, or a lost job can make right look wrong and wrong look right. When that happens, it is easy to lose your bearings, jump to conclusions, and end up with the wrong information. The Bible says, “Whether you turn right or left, your ears will hear a voice saying, this is the way; walk in it.”
There is only one true source of wisdom and truth, and the Apostle Peter recognized that when he asked this question. “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” I suggest that you look to God for wisdom in decision making.
Remember this about the way God operates. You don’t need to know every detail in advance. That is not how God works. Often, he doesn’t show us the big picture because it would overwhelm us. He wants to develop in you an unshakeable trust in his character and goodness and an acceptance that relying on his strength is essential to fulfilling his plan.
All of us will be pulled and pushed in many directions over the holidays. We may rely on social and other media for information to accomplish our tasks. However, it’s crucial to verify the reliability of the information from newspapers, social media, or television. And always seek God’s wisdom to guide your decisions because he is a trustworthy source. Be blessed and Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!