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During this wonderful holiday season, we are reminded of the immense grace we were given by God, through his Son. It is an example to us of the grace that we should strive to live by when we are going through, yes one of the most joyous times of the year, but also, quite often, one of the hardest times.

For many, this season brings memories of loved ones lost, increased stress and workload on the job or even financial hardship. While many of us may be blessed to only have to deal with challenges like hosting relatives or preparing meals for everyone, we should remember those around us who are experiencing a more difficult time.

Last year, I faced a difficult trial when I was hospitalized due to a blood disorder. By God’s grace and the help of loved ones—family, friends, church members, co-workers, etc., as well as the help from generous blood donors from afar—I was able to get through it.

What may be only a small inconvenience or insignificant sacrifice for you, may mean the world to someone else. For me, it was blood donations and it meant my life. For someone else, it might be a meal, a small deed, or even a kind word or prayer. As the writer of Hebrews reminds us in chapter 13, verse 16, “And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased”.

This season is a season of love, and there is no greater way of showing that love than through sacrifice, as God so aptly showed us. So, as you navigate through the coming weeks, be patient with situations or problems that may arise. Deal with them with grace, all while keeping in mind those who are less fortunate than you.

Make an effort to extend that grace to those around you. Help someone struggling with a task, make a meal for someone who doesn’t have one, or even have a conversation with someone who may not have anyone around them right now. It only takes a little effort from you, but it means so much more to them. May grace, mercy, and peace be with you in this most wonderful time of year.

By Josh Hawley

Asset Manager, Corporate